كتب قرأتها —2011

  1. An enquiry concerning human understanding - David Hume
  2. The Sorrows of young Werther - Johannes Goethe
  3. Candide - Voltaire
  4. The outlines of scepticism - Book I - Sextus Empiricus
  5. Little Tragedies - Alexander Pushkin
  6. The Diary of a superfluous man & other stories - Alexander Turgenev
  7. Manfred - Lord Byron
  8. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (re-read) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  9. Lyrical Ballads - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  10. Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
  11. كتاب الحيوان- الجاحظ
  12. The Art of being right - Arthur Schopenhauer
  13. جدل التنزيل- رشيد خيون
  14. Hyperion, The Hermit in Greece - Friedrich Holderlin